KCAL-LA | March 8, 2021
Monica Rodriguez joins SEIU union members to schedule vaccines for local women
The New York Times | March 5, 2021
Can Long Term Care Employers Require Staff Members to be Vaccinated?
Good Morning America | February 4, 2021
How the pandemic has affected front-line caregivers
The Washington Post | January 11, 2021
Vaccines were a chance to redeem failures in the U.S. coronavirus response. What went wrong?
The Washington Post | January 11, 2021
Vaccines were a chance to redeem failures in the U.S. coronavirus response. What went wrong?
Los Angeles Times | December 27, 2020
Surrounded by death, nursing home workers battle management and fear to protect patients
LAtimes.com | December 27, 2020
Surrounded by death, nursing home workers battle management and fear to protect patients
Los Angeles Times | December 1, 2020
How race impacts California nursing facilities amid COVID-19
Univision | November 4, 2020
California rejects proposal 25 that seeks to eliminate the surety system
KTLA | November 4, 2020 |
SEIU Local 2015 Hosts Election Phone Bank for Members